My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Hit of Color...

Between going back and forth to the

Cow Barns...

I took a walk around the yard

with my camera in hand

Chickens pecking around in the back yard...

The Tulips are backlit beautifully by the morning sun...

Red Tulips blooming in front 

of the guest house...

Bumble Bee on Yellow Tulips

 Tulips by the Thread Shed

When I need a hit of color...

it is waiting out in the yard.

Just over the yard fence...

The yearling cattle are watching me 

take pictures of the flowers.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your tulip are beautiful, so vibrant and your photos turned out wonderful.
    Are you near the end of your calving season. Here on our place we are down to just a few left. Like you say they are so cute. I have enjoyed your blog.

  2. Your tulips are magnificent! How can it be that here on the SE coast we are STILL very cold and windswept--no flowers showing yet--just a few brave green shoots poking their heads up....Ah SPRING where are you???hugs, Julierose

  3. How gorgeous!!! I want to come there! we had snow and rain, and I know it will lead to green - but holee cow - yours is already pretty! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Beautiful spring flowers your seasons a way ahead of us in Southern Ontario Canada. We don't have snow now our crocuses have just popped their heads but a while before the tulips flower. Enjoy your blog.

  5. You have a very beautiful nature! Lovely calves are waiting for Mom with love !! It's good to live in such a beautiful place and sew quilts, inspired by nature !!
