My Tips n Techniques

Monday, July 18, 2016

Color.....Soft and Subtle

I took the camera with me again this morning

while watering the flowers...

I love color....vibrant color!

Yet this white lily, with almost 

the absence of color, is gorgeous.

This very neutral image of Queen Anne's Lace

is also beautiful and doesn't need any more color.

Neutral colors can be so relaxing and soothing.

Dollar Pony and Freckles 

are enjoying their breakfast.

The yearling cattle are all black this year.

White Star Lily

The little pink stripe creates lots of drama.

The soft pink and yellow in this spider dahlia

allows the butterfly to get all the attention.

Passion Flower

The lavender spikes are wonderful.

Just the tiny dark pink in the center of this 


grabs your attention...

Color doesn't always have to shout at you to get

your attention.....soft and subtle works too.

Since I am a more is more girl...

I just had to throw some bright color at you

with these Cosmos!

I will take the camera out again tomorrow

while I water the flowers and give

you a big, bright, color tour of the yard.

More to come!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Beautiful! Your photos are amazing.

  2. Lovely, lovely pictures! And the backdrop and basket quilt are beautiful!!!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your photos of your beautiful outdoors! I love each of the flowers you posted, and the horses in the field remind me when I lived in East Texas with all the tall grassland, wild flowers, and small ponds.

  4. Amazing.......I haven't planted flowers in a few years because of the work to keep them going during the hot summers. Maybe I need to reconsider! LOL

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Makes me wish that summer and summer blooms lasted forever.
