My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Color.......More is More!

Here is your color blast for the day

Each morning I water the flowers,

they change so much from the day before...

The flowers give me lots of inspiration

for choosing colors for my quilts...

This is the view out the back door...

This flower bed is full of State Fair Zinnias...

 State Fair Zinnias get your attention:

No need to enhance these images...

these Zinnias are just this colorful!

Orange State Fair Zinnia

so I am a bit obsessed with them right now.

Hollyhocks......always an attention getter!

Orange Cone Flowers

Now that is juicy orange!

Red Rudbeckia

Deep Pink Dahlia

Red Dahlia

All of these flowers are in the warm color family.

Lots of in-your-face color!

I hope this gives you lots of color inspiration

for your future quilting projects.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. All of your flowers are beautiful! Those State Fair Zinnias though...well, they are double the beauty. There are flowers within the flowers! Amazing! Thank you for sharing your garden!

  2. Quilt, flowers...the view!!! Each are wonderful on their own and as a combo are fantastic!!!! What a wonderful way to start each day!

  3. I enjoy your photos, flowers, ranch life and quilts. What beauty you have every day! I also live on a farm in southern Kansas, My flowers are not near as pretty as yours. Our farm has wheat, corn, soybeans and cotton. Also have a small herd of Hereford cattle. It's a good life in the country! I especially love your flowers.

  4. Where is the *LOVE* button??? Your view is incredible, and it makes me happy that you appreciate your surroundings and share them with us. Thanks!
