My Tips n Techniques

Monday, February 22, 2016

Calving Season......2016

Our first calf was born last week...

We have Shorthorn mother cows and Angus Bulls

This calf was born yesterday...

Minutes after the calf hit the ground my favorite guy

is checking it over...

He checks to see if it is a bull or heifer calf...

He treats the navel with iodine.

The goats watch from the field nearby...

The goats will begin to kid soon.

We are across the river at the calving barn today.

From here we have a view of the back of our place....

The sun came out briefly and really lit up the red barn.

The black yearling calves are grazing along the river bank.

These calves were born this time last year.

After checking on the newborn calves, it is time to

load up hay for the yearling cattle...

Here comes the rain again...

We are back at home again:

This photo was taken from our back yard,

looking across river.

The two big white barns in this photo...

that is where we were checking on the new calves 

earlier today.

After dinner I put together a few necklaces

from some of my art beads:

I made these beads a few weeks ago...

I am fond of making those chunky bird beads...

These were painted with black paint and

then I rubbed the paint off.

We are already seeing a few spring birds that

have migrated to Western Oregon.

Spring is coming early again this year!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. that photo of the rain is spectacular! I should win a prize or something.

  2. Having always lived in town in the south, with houses almost on top of each other, your place looks like a piece of heaven by comparison! I enjoyed all the pics! Love the one of the goat posing for her pic!
    And your jewelry is awesome! Great works of art!
    Thanks for sharing your piece of heaven on earth with us!

  3. I love that Spring is showing itself. I struggled this winter, it being my first in the Pacific Northwest. What do you use your goats for? Just curious. I have five now. Two are Nigerian Dwarfs and one is a Nubian/Nigerian cross. They had kids just last week. One full Nigerian and one is the Nubian cross mixed again with Nigerian. I was/am going to milk them for cheese and soap. Although I'm not sure that I will do that this time. Maybe the next batch of kids. Sorry, I'm rambling.

  4. Your posts on 'farm life' always remind me of good times being raised on a farm! It's a life you don't think about all the just do it! But Mother Nature taught us so much didn't/doesn't she!

  5. I lived (until a few years ago) on a farm all my life--I miss the calves! Thanks for the pictures of yours. :)

  6. Your farm is gorgeous! While it must be hard work, the scenery is stunning. I also love your artistry. Thank you for sharing the lifecycle of the farm with those of us who can only imagine such beauty!

  7. So glad you are all enjoying this post. Many thanks for your kind comments.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  8. Thank you for all the wonderful farm photos, especially of the newest member!
    Susan @ quiltfabrication
