My Tips n Techniques

Monday, November 2, 2015

Thickened Dye......Part 2

I processed the last of my 

thickened dye deconstructed screens...

Here are the results after wash, dry and iron:

The thickened dye was scraped onto the fabric with a 

bondo scraper with fuchsia and purple dyes,

then using deep purple dye I drug the scraper 

to make the lines,

then I stamped dots and used a metal spring for stamping.

This piece is printed with 2 different screens:

Purple thickened dye was applied to the screen and dried

I used turquoise thickened dye to print the screen

Circular marks transferred from my print board cover

Rubber gloves were pressed into the purple thickened dye 

and allowed to dry on the screen...

Looks like glacier covered mountains to me

This is my favorite piece of the day:

It has a grunge quality that I appreciate...

First I applied thickened dye with a scraper...

It needed something more, so I took several exhausted 

screens and scraped off the last of the dried thickened dye 

onto this piece.

Think of it as cleaning the screens off on this piece of fabric.

Some really cool ghost like markings appeared 

after it was washed.

This piece has so much depth...

I plan to use a marker and do some graffiti writing on it.

This piece is also a combination of 2 screens:

The top portion is a screen dried with rubber bands...

Here is a close up of the rubber bands.

The screen exhausted after only 4 prints, so I used

a second screen to finish the fabric:

The second screen was created with a plastic grid.

This last piece is the cover from one of my old print boards:

I also love the grunge look of this piece...

This is a great background for further surface design work.

That's it for deconstructed printing....for now!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Awesome results! I love the glaciers one.

  2. These are so interesting to look at; lots of things to see in each piece. I'm not familiar with your technique and sure would like to know how you do it.
