My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Double Wedding Ring Quilts...

Spending time today with my 

Double Wedding Ring Quilt…

I should say…..the many pieces 

of my Double Wedding Ring Quilt!

I need to complete 199 football units 

for a queen size quilt top…

My dearest friend Linda is also torturing herself 

with a DWR Quilt

Linda is spending the day cutting more pieces…

I am spending the day assembly line sewing little pieces…

Wish us LUCK!

Even though it is the first day of autumn

We enjoyed our morning coffee outdoors

We watched the sunrise from the back yard…

The sun is coming up over Mary's Peak

Gunnr and the new pony, Dollar….

are become friends at the fence.

The flower beds don't know it is autumn….

just as beautiful as they were all summer long!

The morning glory vines 

are putting on a show this morning!

I am using Sharlene Jorgenson's DWR templates

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. DWR is my all-time favorite quilt pattern. I am working on my second and third one now :) I really really want to make one with 30's print and an aqua background next though - just need to find a set of 30's prints I adore! :) LOVE your choices and can't wait to see it come together!

  2. Fabulous post! I enjoyed every picture and loved your Double Wedding Ring!

  3. I have such respect for creating a DWR. I'm halfway through machine quilting one and THAT's enough ;) Making me crazy!!!
