My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wedding Star Quilt......In Progress

Wedding Star Quilt

This Quilt has been stored in a suitcase for the

last dozen years or more...

It is now up on the design wall.

We have a wedding in the family next summer.

I am hoping to have it ready in time!

The goats enjoyed the sunshine today:

I have their full attention...

They are very curious...

Wishing you Sunny Days!

CLICK HERE to see more of the Wedding Star Quilt

Gunnr turned 7 last week...

He's sleeping-in after the big celebration!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Looks like your snow has disappeared.
    Beautiful quilt, so we look forward to seeing it finished.
    Did your jacket get done? I have 2 robes cut out (one winter, one summer) that I need to work on, but that quilting stuff just keeps calling.... so I understand the dilemma
    cheers, Linda

  2. Are those your goats? They are quite handsome! Very sturdy looking. You look like you are having the same weather as me. I don't have any snow that just melted though. I have sunshine!

  3. That is a beautiful quilt. I'm glad you got it out of storage and have a wonderful reason to finish it.
