My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Foxglove Quilt...

The Foxglove...

it grows everywhere here in Western Oregon

in the spring time...

Foxglove growing alongside the cow barn...

Foxglove growing in the corral...

Foxglove growing along the fence in the hay field...

A few years ago I picked a few foxgloves

 and brought them to a jello printing class 

I was co-teaching with

fellow instructor Nancy Bryant

We decided to demonstrate putting two jello plates

together to form one long plate for printing...

Nancy chose the foxglove plant for the demo.

The plant is quite tall and a perfect choice.

Nancy recently unearthed this fabric print

from 2010 and decided to work on it...

This is the foxglove print on fabric:

Nancy is auditioning fabrics for piecing the top...

This is the quilt top created by Nancy...

She handed it off to me for quilting:

Here it is basted and ready to go under the needle...

Here it is after an afternoon of stitching...

this view shows the stitching lines nicely...

Sulky Gold Metallic Thread for quilting...

Gold Metallic thread leaves 

are quilted into the borders

This piece will be on display at OSU Campus

in Corvallis, Oregon

at the LaSells Stewart Center

January 25, 2014

I am handing this off to Nancy for an edge treatment

of her choice.

CLICK HERE: Adventures in Art Quilting classes

CLICK HERE: Jello Printing Tutorial

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Wow! I love it!
    What a great idea!

  2. Do you mean foxgloves grow wild out there?! WOW! I only wish the same here.

  3. Yes, the foxgloves grow like weeds everywhere here in Western Oregon. They can be seen along the road sides too!
