My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, October 31, 2013


I definitely feel the passing of time...

We enjoyed a beautiful summer 

here in Western Oregon

The flowers decorated our yard with so much color

Summer is Gunnr's favorite season

We attended an estate sale 

and brought home 11 yards...

33 feet of fabric for $5

This will make great backings for comfort quilts.

Summer has passed us by...

The apples are ripe and it is pie baking time

The trees soaked in all the glorious sunshine 

during the summer months...

and now they are giving back all of that sunshine 

to us....they are just glowing!

The fog is just rolling in this evening...

Within minutes, the entire river bottom and valley

are engulfed in fog...

We made a difficult decision last week...

We decided to remove the fir tree in the center

of the yard...

The huge limbs fall from the tree every time the

winds come through, damaging several of our

vehicles over the years.

Half of the limbs have fallen off on the right side 

of the tree (back yard view).

For 26 years we have watched that tree grow...

Here is the view of our yard without the tree...

We miss that old tree.

Yes, I am definitely feeling the passing of time.

On a happier note, I am back in the Thread Shed

creating with fabric and thread.

I have new Quilting Sketches to share with you

from my sketch book.

More to come...

Have you signed up for my Thermofax class yet?

Click the link below to find out more...

CLICK HERE: Thermofax Printing Class 


CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. It is sad to see the old trees go! Pie baking time though... I do miss apple season from when I lived in michigan! Here I have pecan season.... and that is my pie baking time.

  2. You live in a gorgeous setting!
    That would be sad to see that tree go, but sounds like it was a wise choice.
    I love your thoughts about the trees giving back the sunshine.

  3. Lovely photos! Looks like a perfect place to be.

    You can tell I'm a city girl though... my first thought, that's a lot of lawn to mow. hahahaha!
