My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shibori Fabric Dyeing...

Arashi Shibori Dyed Fabrics

Kathi came over to play in the kitchen with me today:

We wrapped cotton fabric around PVC pipes...

Then we wrapped cotton string around the pipe...

Here is the fabric scrunched down to the bottom of the pipe.

The pipes were inserted into zip lock bags.

Then we squirted procion mx dyes into the bag.

My hands had soda ash and dye on them, so no photos.

We placed all of the pipes into buckets...

We let them batch overnight...

mostly because I was too tired to do it last night.

 Fabric 1

Rinsing off the first pipe...

Unrolling the fabric...

Rinsing the fabric...

Soaking the fabric in cold water with Synthrapol...

Washed, Dried and Ironed Shibori Fabric.

Want to see more?

Fabric 2

The cotton string also dyed during the shirbori process...

Pulling the dyed fabric off the pipe...

Rinsing the fabric...

Fabric 2.....washed, dried and ironed.

Fabric 3

You know the I won't say anymore...

Fabric 4

Fabric 5

 Fabric 6

 Arashi Shibori Dyed Fabrics:

The results are well worth the time of rolling, wrapping, scrunching

squirting, batching, rinsing, washing, drying and ironing!

We also did some Parfait Ice Dying.....but that is for another post.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  Microwave Dyeing

CLICK HERE to view:  Deconstructed Screen Printing

CLICK HERE to view:  Snow Dyeing

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. can't wait to see more. Beautiful for sure!

  2. How much fabric did you use? Think this would work for a length over 3.5 yards?

  3. Hi Timid and Wild,

    This shirbori technique, especially if you are new to it, is better suited to smaller pieces of fabric up to 1 yard. The more fabric wrapped and scrunched on the pipe, the less dye penetration and texture. Better to go with smaller pieces that yardage.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon
    p.s. You are a NO REPLY-Comment so I could not reply to you personally.

  4. I think you may be on to something...

  5. Fabric number one, the red, is that the one that was wrapped at a diagonal? I want a wave pattern like that! Such gorgeous results!
