My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ice Dyeing......Batching

I did some ice dyeing on Tuesday...

Wednesday......still lots of ice yet to melt

Today is Thursday......

I moved the dye buckets to the wood stove

They can batch here for a couple of days and warm up!

This is what it looks like outside today:

It is snowing just outside the back door.

The river is high and muddy from the stormy weather.

Gunnr says not to worry about him...

He is cozy and warm watching TV.

I will post images of the iced fabric as soon as its ready.

Keep Warm...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  ALL Fabric Dyeing posts

CLICK HERE to view:  Class Samples

CLICK HERE to view:  Snowflakes

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi

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