My Tips n Techniques

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sketch Book.....Border Designs

Here are a few border designs
in one of my Sketch Books...

As you can see from the diagram on the left page,
these are a series of shapes that look like 
question marks

I would chalk out the question mark shapes 
on my fabric,
then put it under the needle and stitch plumes 
along the question marks.

This is the same design
just a horizontal orientation.

This can be stitched out to fit most any size border.

 This is a simpler version of the designs above:

Here are 4 different border designs.
A good choice for narrow borders.

 This little chicken family lives just down the road:
They were scratchin' out a living in the grass 
along side the road...

The rooster is a real beauty!
He is so vibrant.

Sweet Birds.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  Feather Quilting Video

CLICK HERE to view:  Borders on Baby Quilt

CLICK HERE to view: Quilting on Feelin' Groovy Quilt

CLICK HERE to view: Fern Quilting on Calypso Quilt

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi

Brought to YOU By:
Gunnr and The Blue Ball

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm REALLY enjoying this series of sketching posts!
