My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Inspiration.....from the Flower Bed

Not much happening in the Thread Shed
since the flower beds started
grabbing my attention.

Much of the inspiration for my quilts
comes from life here on the farm...

This week the flower bed filled up with Iris blooms...

They are giving the camera a good work out!

I got in really close to take a photo...

and out popped this little guy from inside the Iris...

He is letting me know that he was here first...

He's not backing down or flying away...

He is coming closer to get a better look at me...

He is not impressed with me at all...

He returns to the inside of the flower...

This gives me all the inspiration I need to make
"The Iris and the Fly"
quilt some day.

Keep your camera at the never know when inspiration will strike!

As always, I am happy to share my photography.
Please feel free to use these images in your personal art work.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Iris Quilt (created last year, sorry no fly on this one)

CLICK HERE to view: Gunnr's Portrait (watch me create a portrait from a photo)

CLICK HERE to view: Portrait Quilts from Photographs

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. These are truly beautiful and thanks for referring back to previous posts on where you did what. I can sit here reading all day long, getting totally lost in inspiration.

    I noticed you don't heat set after coloring with crayons and sealing with Textile Medium. Have you ever seen whether the colors would last when washed?

  2. Your photography is amazing! I really enjoyed seeing your iris quilt go from a sketch to a quilt. You are so very talented!

  3. Thanks for the beautiful detailed pictures of your irises. And thanks for your generosity in offering them to us to use in our art.
    Martha Ginn

  4. LuAnn your garden's irises are stunning. Your photos would make a great thermofax screen :)
    ~Christina in Cleveland!

  5. Beautiful photos! Thank you for the permission to use and for the tutorials on how to do that.
    Would you mind sharing which camera you use and on what settings? Thank you.
    annick5424 at gmail dot com

  6. Dear Anonymous,
    I have a Nikon D5000. In the menu it is set on "Normal" picture quality. I use the Macro setting (which is the flower icon).
    The camera is set on automatic, so takes care of the focusing on its own.
    I am not a photographer, but this camera certainly makes me feel like one!
