My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Feeling Groovy.....Machine Quilting Tips

Day 9

Machine Quilting.......continues:

I thought I would answer a few questions I have been
receiving from blog readers...

This drawer sits right next to the
Sweet Sixteen:

Tools of the Trade...

The Sweet Sixteen
BIG Class M Bobbins

I struggled for a few weeks setting the bobbin tension.
Then I found out a Long Arm secret...
This bobbin gauge makes life so easy!
I set my gauge between 180 - 200

CLICK HERE: Towa Gauge Tutorial

Trim your threads close to the quilt without
the worry of snipping into the quilt.

I feel clumsy wearing quilting gloves.
Instead I use Neutrogena (greaseless) hand cream
to get a better grip on the quilt.
It lasts for hours before I need to re-apply.

Make Up Brushes
work great for cleaning out the bobbin and housing.

Flower Pincushion by Fons and Porter
works great for organizing needles by sizes.

Spiral Eye Needles

I use these to bury my thread tails

The Open Toe Hopping Foot
gives me better visibility right to the tip of the needle
CLICK HERE to watch Video

I rarely mark quilting lines,
but when I do I use a Chubby Crayon.
The mark irons off easily.

Sketch Book
I work out all of my designs in a sketch book.
I also practice on paper before I go to the machine.
It improves my muscle memory.
CLICK HERE to view my Sketch Books

I quilted for 8 hours today....

I will be back at it tomorrow...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Sweet Sixteen You Tube Video

CLICK HERE to view: ALL Feeling Groovy posts

CLICK HERE to view: Painted Fabric Tote Bags Tutorial

CLICK HERE to view: Slide show of my Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. LuAnn, what a wonderfull quilt is this. Thank you for the good idee of the pincushon for all your needles.

  2. Nice post! Beautiful quilting; and great tips.

  3. Great tips! Thanks!
    Your quilting looks terrific!

  4. Thank you for sharing your tools of the trade! Very helpful since I am in the market for the same machine you have. I adore that quilting pattern - your quilt will be fabulous!
