My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Soy Wax...

Earlier this week I played with hot Soy Wax...

Click Images to Enlarge:

I was having such a great time that I
forgot to take pictures of my progress...

At this stage of the process:
The fabrics have been stamped with hot wax.
I used different kitchen gadgets as stamps.

Then I watered down textile paint and
painted over the entire piece of fabric.
The wax acted as a resist.
The paint did not absorb where the wax was stamped.

After the paint was dry...
I placed parchment paper on top of the fabric and
heat set the textile paint.
This also removed most of the soy wax from the fabric.

Then I placed the ironed fabrics in the
washing machine set on HOT wash.

Here they are drying on the clothesline today:

This was a sampler I created to test out all of
the kitchen gadgets,
to determine which worked best for hot wax stamping

The soy wax worked great as a resist...

The waxed areas remain white like the original
color of the fabric.

I think I will go in again and stamp these same fabrics
with hot wax, paint them, and see what I get.

Also, I plan to stamp hot wax on commerical fabrics, then the waxed area will have some color other than white.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view a Soy Wax Tutorial

CLICK HERE to view another Soy Wax Tutorial

CLICK HERE to view Soy Wax Demo

CLICK HERE for Soy Wax Supplies

CLICK HERE: Featured Quilter

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Very nice results! I've used soy wax for a dye resist and have been pleased with the results. I'll have to give the paints a try.

  2. Thank you for this post. I've bookmarked it and plan to try some of your techniques. It looks like play to me!

  3. eh eh... a very great job... really you "eres" wax

  4. Great results! I wish you lived near me - we could have a grand time!
