My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Inspiration.....from the Flower Bed

As a child I remember my grand father
telling me...
"When you work, you find money"

I would scratch my head and wonder just
what he meant by that?

Click Images to Enlarge:

As I grew up, I would help out with the household chores
and occasionally find money under the couch cushions.

As an adult, when I work I choose to find...

Today we spent the day cleaning out the flower beds.

I would have preferred to spend the day
in the Thread Shed with the sewing machine
humming along...

But, this was a job that could be avoided no longer!

The Roses needed trimming...

and so did the Calla Lilies...

All of the plants need to be tucked away for the winter.

This bumble bee was busy too!

As we trimmed down the flower beds...

There were so many pretty flowers still
putting on a show for us...

We decided to gather them up and bring them
inside to fill a few vases in the house...

We ended up with 5 Buckets of flowers!

Yes, we worked today...
But I found something worth more than money...

I found so much inspiration for my future quilts!

Please feel free to use these images in your personal
art work if they inspire you too!

I am hoping to be in the Thread Shed soon...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view Iris Quilt

CLICK HERE to view Zinnia Quilt

CLICK HERE to view Midnight in the Garden Quilt

CLICK HERE: Featured Quilter

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Stopped by from Quilter Blogs to enjoy your quilts. I especially liked your woven quilts. Very lovely! I'm originally an Oregonian so when I stumble upon a blogger from Oregon, I'm delighted. Now I live on a small farm in Tunisia so I got used to a sunnier climate, but still love to visit Oregon.
    best, nadia

  2. What a lovely gathering of flowers!
