My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jello Reprints.....Birds & Bubbles

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2 Weeks ago I created these Jello Re-Prints

If you missed that post you can CLICK HERE

Birds & Bubbles Jello Re-Prints
Today I had a few hours to play.......the birds and bubbles jumped out at me!

I pulled out every pink and purple I could get my hands on, including lots of dark fabrics that would be a good contrast to the light pink behind the birds. NOTHING was working. This pink survivor fabric kept whispering to me.

Yes, the fabrics blend and there is no distinction between the pink jello bird print and the pink survivor background fabric.....but I could not fight my urge to keep them together.

I took on the challenge of trying to make them work...

Remember that Black Bubble Jello Print?

This is all that is left to the black bubbles...

Jello Bird Quilt Top....Ready to Baste

I do believe our quilts talk to us.
We just have to take the time to listen.
Sometimes they don't yell........they whisper.

CLICK HERE to see this completed

Many Thanks to my sweetie pie friend, Nancy Bryant, for bringing me into the world of Jello hasn't been the same since!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Quilts Always Talk to You,


  1. I like how the prints have spoken! very clever!


  2. loud and clear! They look fabulous together - good for you for listening!
