My Tips n Techniques

Friday, April 19, 2024

Tulip Bench Pillow...

It's is Spring... 

Time to piece some tulips...

The mini charm squares are all sorted by color

to create and piece the 8 tulips...

The bias squares or HSTs are all pieced

and the tulip squares are ready to put together...

The tulip and leaf units are all stitched

together for the pillow top...

I will get this basted with some batting

and do a bit of machine quilting...

We are nearing the end of calving season...

only 4 weeks left

This is the Cow Camp Tree...

It is an old growth fir tree that grows

in one of the cow pastures...

It provides a great deal of shelter for the

cows and calves...

It keeps them cool on hot days

and dry when it rains.

All the cattle enjoy camping out under

this giant tree.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Oh, that's going to be a very pretty pillow, love the colors you chose.
    Sweet Cows & Calves.

  2. You will enjoy this pretty pillow all year long after your real tulips are past their prime. Annick

    1. You are so right Annick! Thanks so much.

  3. So for commenting in batches, but that's how I read your posts. :-) The cow camp tree is magnificent and the lounging cows makes it more special. What a great photo. And I liked the tulip pattern so much, I was pleased to find the free pattern on the Moda site. Here in the Arctic, the first crocus was seen yesterday and tulips will be soon to follow. For me, this is a timely piece to make.

    1. Hi Dahn, We enjoy visiting the cattle at the Cow Camp Tree. Sometimes we bring our lawn chairs with us and set them up and sit with the cows....very relaxing.
