My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Frozen Calf...


Here she is...

our little frozen calf

We named her Elsa...

After the Disney Princess from the movie Frozen

Yes, she is all thawed out and...


Golden Girl is so glad to have Elsa at her side...

Elsa is so happy to be back with her mama...

2 weeks ago Golden Girl gave birth to Elsa.

It was a long, difficult delivery 

and 19 degrees that night.

When we found Elsa the next morning, 

she was frozen to the ground and not moving.

We rushed home with the frozen, newborn calf,

rubbed her down and dried her off 

with a hair dryer

and tubed her with colostrum.

We could not get a reading on the thermometer.

5 hours later she could open her eyes, 

it gave us hope.

By the next morning, 

we heard mooing from the basement !

Elsa is now back out in the pasture 

with her mama, Golden Girl.

Elsa is a very friendly calf.  When she sees us out

in the field, she comes up and sucks our fingers.

I think she knows us, knows our smell...

and maybe she knows we helped her out

when she needed it most.

When you raise livestock, you are just a heart beat

away from death and sorrow...

you must take the bitter with the sweet.

This time it ended sweet.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I know what colostrum is and how important it is to a newborn calf, but how did you procure it to give it to Elsa? Milked Golden Girl for it as soon as you realized the problem? Or is it something you can buy and keep on hand in case of emergency? Again congratulations on your saving Elsa's life and allowing a great mama cow to raise her new baby. Annick H.

    1. Hi Annick, Sometimes we milk the cow to get the colostrum. We also purchase powdered colostrum....add hot water and instant milk for the newborn calves. This was an emergency, so we mixed up the powder then tubed the calf. Great question !

