My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Rhodie Removal...


This is the Thread Shed...

it is my happy place.

These gorgeous pink rhodies are 20 years old...

They are taking over the building...

it is time for them to go.

We are enjoying a dry and beautiful October...

a perfect time to remove the rhodies.

The Cowboy fires up the power saw and

gets right with it !

He cuts off the rhodie at the base,

hooks onto it with a tow strap,

then I haul it out with the 4 wheeler...

The Cowboy loads the rhodies

onto the dump bed...

This is just one rhodie bush !!!

You can now see the left side of the Thread Shed...

2 bushes removed.....progress !

Amazing....I haven't seen that window for years !

One more rhodie bush to remove...

The rhodies are all gone...

I sprayed the side of the building with

30 second cleaner...

it removed all of the moss.

The chickens were so excited to scratch around

in all that exposed dirt...

We were so successful removing the Thread Shed

rhodies, that we just kept going:

Rhodies in front of the house are 

also over grown...

It is time for them to go!

All gone !

Looks much better.....ahhh

Yes, we removed rhodies from the side of

the guest house too!

No more rhodie trimming every year !

We are into low maintenance landscaping now.

We found yellow paint in the garage...

today I am painting the buildings

while the Cowboy trims all of the trees in the yard.

We will sleep good tonight !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. All of the buildings have breathing room again! We are in a similar situation here too. Over that past 24 years we seem to have moved to a jungle. We periodically have "chain saw days" and just start attacking things. Usually I can't even tell a difference but the lawn guy is grateful.

    1. Hey Vicki, We live in the coastal mountain range of western Oregon, lots of fog and rain, like a rain forest really.....things just GROW here! You take your eye off of them and they get totally out of control. We need to have a smack down every couple of years to keep things in check!


  2. Oh wow I didn't realize they grew so tall! We found a big sale on them this year and have planted them several places around the yard. Your shed looks more comfortable - like the yellowish color.

    1. Howdy Shasta, Yes, Rhodies get very BIG! If you trim them every spring right after they are done blooming you can keep them a manageable size. They begin to set new buds right after blooming, so don't trim them too late or you will cut off all of next year's blooms.

      Happy Autumn,

  3. Thanks for the 30 second cleaner tip! I just looked it up and we're getting some. We love feeding the Orioles and other little birds on our deck rail just outside my slider...I love watching them but it does get pretty dirty with mildew/etc. on the deck floor. I'm always getting the brush out to scrub about every week to 10 days. Your landscape looks lovely now! Although, we thought it looked good before (but we didn't have to maintain it!).

    1. Hi Robbie, You will be amazed at how well the 30 second cleaner scrubbing required, just spray it on, wait, then rinse it off, it is magic!

