My Tips n Techniques

Monday, October 17, 2022

Design Boards...

 I have been using design boards

aka flannel boards for years...

I decided to make some pretty ones

with a bound edge treatment...

They are basically a foam core board

covered with batting and

bound with binding.

I use them to lay out the pieces of a quilt block

to keep it in order while I am stitching it together.

I also use them to carry fabrics and binding

from the cutting table to the sewing table

to the ironing board.

You can prop the design board up

in a book stand or small easel to keep it vertical

while you are piecing your quilt blocks.

I am heading for a Quilt Retreat in Idaho

next week and I am bringing along

a pile of design boards to give the quilters !

Here is a great design board tutorial

by Lori Holt

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. What a cool idea!!! And generous!!

    1. Hi Robbie, I figure as long as you are going to gather up all of the supplies and make a big mess, you might as well make lots!

      Happy Fall,

  2. LuAnn, What a cool idea. So simple. Thanks.

    1. The Idaho quilters loved them! Mission accomplished!

