My Tips n Techniques

Monday, August 8, 2022


We have had more butterflies visit our flowers

this year than we can ever remember...

This particular butterfly seemed to follow me

around while I was watering flowers yesterday...

The pink coneflowers are beginning to bloom

here in Western Oregon...

The butterfly was partial to the coneflowers...

Perching on top of that big, round

coneflower made for easy photography...

It takes a little longer to get the watering

done when you have a camera in your hand,

but it's worth it...


Enjoying the summer !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Beautiful pictures! Good to see that the butterflies are plentiful in your area. Recently I read articles about the poor Monarchs and their dwindling numbers.

    1. I have also become aware of the plight of the butterfly. They adore milkweed and I would love to plant some in the flowerbeds for them....unfortunately, it is toxic to cattle, so I don't dare.

      Many Thanks for your comment,

  2. Beautiful! I enjoy your posts.
