My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A walk through the yard...

We are home from the hay fields

and it is time to get the flowers watered... 

I head over to the Thread Shed...

the chickens wonder why I haven't

been sewing in here for awhile?

The chickens get up on the steps and 

watch me sew when I am in there...

The purple hydrangea and red rose bush

are in full bloom...

I walk around to the back yard...

The star lilies are in full bloom...

Over by the back door...

The Hollyhocks are putting on a show !

The the left of the hollyhocks,

the Cowboy has built a camp fire

so we can cook outdoors tonight...

The chickens follow me around the yard

as I water the flowers...

Here are a few close-ups of the Hollyhocks:

My favorite shot...

backlit from the setting sun.

I planted these hollyhocks years and years ago...

never re-planted them...

these are volunteers that come every year !

It was a beautiful evening in the yard...

makes me look forward to watering the flowers

each day when we get home.

Enjoy your Summer !

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi



  1. Your hollyhocks make me homesick! Hollyhocks and irises were all that was growing by my childhood home in France. The rest of the place was dedicated to vegetables and herbs and to the various stacks of wood planks for my dad's carpentry business.
    Your garden is a true beautiful delight. Thanks for sharing since, here in Texas, I only have a burned to a crisp lawn and a few pots with herbs to look at! (Glad your cattle will be safe in the coming heat!)

    1. So glad you enjoyed the hollyhocks...they have been a favorite of mine for many years.


    2. Oh such beautiful flowers (and chickens!). We are so dry in NM that my perennials are dying from the heat and dryness, very sad. The Rio Grande River is dry where we are (south of Albuquerque) for the first time in 40 years.

  2. Wonderful happy post. Thank you xo
