My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Yo Yo.....Hand Piecing Project


How much FUN are these ?

I have been making Yo Yos 

for the last year or so...

I started stitching them together:

In the evenings I enjoy hand stitching...

I also take these along on road trips.

In the evenings I need some extra lighting

and this works very nicely...

It hangs around my neck and really

lights things up !

I carry the yo yos with me in this tote bag:

It is hand painted canvas 

that I stitched together

to make this sturdy tote...

For now, everything I need fits inside.

As the yo yo top gets bigger, I will need to 

switch to a larger tote bag...

I will keep stitching in the evenings...

and we can watch it grow !

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Vary cute!! How large are you planning to go for your yoyo quilt?

    1. Howdy Farm Quilter,
      How FUN are Yo Yos! I will probably make yo yos until I have burn out and can't do it any longer! I am hoping it will cover the top of the bed.


  2. Oh wow! I've never been a yoyo maker. You quilt top looks very bright and colourful. For my hand piecing, rather than take the whole thing along, I take a bag of pieces and sew them together, then on an evening at home I attach the large piece to the whole, if that makes sense. It saves having to take a fast growing project with me.

    1. Hi Loulee,
      Great minds think alike.....that is exactly what I do!

      Many thanks for your thoughtful comment,

  3. I love this. I have been making various sizes of yo yos for years without knowing exactly what I’d do with them. I have used some Xmas fabric to make tree garlands, and that looks cute. I am wondering how you attach them together. I’ve seen yo yo quilts on muslin, but I don’t want to do that, and I like yours better. Thanks for your inspiring post, and letting me know I’m not alone in loving random yo yos!

    1. Hi Jane, I attached the yo yos to one another using a ladder stitch. It doesn't show at all, like a whip stitch does. I have seen yo yo's made into a vest, dresser scarf, and I also made one for tree garland about 30 years ago with Debbie Mumm fabrics. Lots of FUN!

