My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Bottle Calves....4 years old


Do you remember these two little guys?

Marv.....1 day old

Vern.....2 months old

In 2017 we raised Vern and Marv on bottles

Bottle Babies.....Marv and Vern

Vern is a beef calf rejected by his mother

Marv is a bull calf from the dairy

2017.......Vern and Marv.....8 months old

Just weaned from the bottle

( I think weaning was harder on me 

than it was them!)

2018.....Marv and Vern 18 months old

2019......2 years old:

Vernie loves the new baby calves,

helping the mamas lick them clean.

Big Marv also loves the new baby calves

born every Spring.

2021.......4 years old

Big Marv and Vernie turn 4 years this Spring.

They weigh in at 1500 pounds.

Big Marv is so tall, he towers above our mama cows.

They are sweet and gentle and absolutely adore one another

and are never apart.

I visit with them daily when we check on

the cows and calves.

Just this morning Vernie had his entire head inside the pick up visiting with me.  He licked everything he could reach in the cab!

They are a lot of FUN!

Enjoy the Video of the Bottle Calves:

Enlarge by clicking icon in bottom right corner of video

CLICK HERE to view ALL Bottle Calves posts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. gurl, i love the boys. maybe because i had birthed 3 male children. goodness, if i had a pasture here in Roscoe, i would indeed beg the boys to come and live with us

    1. They were a lot of work when they were babies, and they certainly are a lot of FUN now.....just like real people children!

      All The Best,

  2. Great story, I love how you get them to look at the camera for pictures.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Yes, you need to be patient and wait for the look. Now that the steers are older, they respond to my voice and I can get them to look at the camera easily.

      Many Thanks,

  3. Awwwww, the boys!!!! They have certainly grown up so well!!! Are they bulls or have you castrated them? I assume that because they are in with the mamas and their babies, they are not intact! I was following you before they arrived and I can't believe it has been four years!! Thanks for the update!!!

    1. Yes, the bull calves were banded at birth so they are steers now. I was just out in the field with them and Vernie had his head all the way inside the pick up visiting with me....he licked everything he could reach in the cab!

      Take Good Care,

    2. Funny, but I feel like I know them and love them!!! One of these days, when I can travel again, I would love to stop by and see them, your thread shed, the goats...just the whole beautiful place!!!

  4. Marv and Vernie certainly are big boys now. Nice to see they are still such good friends, as well as so gentle and helpful with the new calves. Big sweet boys you raised!

    1. Hi Darlene,
      So glad you enjoyed the Marv and Vernie post. We do enjoy having them here on the ranch and the cows don't mind either.

      My Best To You,

  5. OH my gosh! 4 years ago!!!! I remember them so well and your bottle feeding them! So may I ask..will they be used for breeding or ??

    1. Hi Robbie,
      I also cannot believe they are 4 years old! Time goes by much too quickly. They were banded at birth, so they are steers, not for breeding. Their purpose bring me joy and pleasure. Most people refer to them as, "The Pets." They decorate the pasture! They are very tame and still think of me as mama, trying to get in the pick up with me when I am out in the pasture checking on newborn calves.

      All The Best,

  6. It has been such fun reading about your quilting and the Ranch. We are going to be moving and thankfully we can keep in touch thru computer when we go to our new place where ever that is.(vegas) We are getting older and need to be near the kids. We have 8 acres near Yosemite.. Last week our llamas went to a new home and I keep looking at a empty field. we will put it up for sale soon. Hopefully we will be packed and ready to "show" the house like they want to do now with the Internet. I do have one question. How big is you Thread Shed> just in case we have to get a smaller hone and I don't have my big studio. Is there anything you would change about it. I assume it is all insulated etc. Enjoy each moment as they go very fast! hugs, vivian

    1. The Cowboy built the Thread Shed 24 feet long x 16 feet wide. Yes, it is fully insulated has heat and a/c. I asked him to install the electrical outlets at waist level on the wall. That way I don't have to stand on my head to plug and unplug anything. I also have 3 double outlets along each of the 4 walls.....24 outlets total. Each wall is wired separately so I never have a power outage from plugging too many things in. I have never popped a fuse! He also put in a big picture window at one end and that is where I have my sewing machine set up, lots of natural light during the day to sew by. I have lots of free standing cupboards with doors on them. I store everything in the cupboards, close the doors and no clutter to look at. Also keeps my fabrics safe from the light and dust. He installed light fixtures in the ceiling the entire length of the room so I have plenty of light from above, as well as task lights set up on all of the tables. He installed a design wall from insulation boards that is 8 feet tall and 8 feet wide which is one of the best features in the room. That is all I can think of for now. Good Luck with your move!

