My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Zipper Pulls...

Zipper Pulls

I have had Bead Fever lately...

I gathered up all of my orphan beads

left over from previous projects

and made zipper pulls with them...

It was fun putting together color stories

as well as adding charms to each one...

I took a break from hand stitching in the 

evenings and started stringing beads...

These are fun to have on hand to share

with friends and family...

Clip them on your jacket, purse, camera bag,

sewing machine trolly case, portfolio case,

scissors and of course your zipper bags...

These beads have been around for years,

it is good to see them getting their

twinkle on !

Actually, all of the components

for these zipper pulls were sitting in a drawer

just waiting for inspiration to strike !

I gathered up all of the zipper pulls

and put them in the little pink bag below...

Of course this pink bag needs a zipper pull...

A zipper pull with a bird charm on it.

Get those beads out of the drawer

and have some fun !

YouTube has lots of great tutorials

for zipper pulls

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,



  1. Great idea to use up those beads and charms. I moved all of my jewelry stuff out of my studio to the basement. Guess I need to make a trip down there to make some of these. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Oh Yes Lynda, get your beads and make some of these....FUN! I started with a 2 inch head pin.
      Have FUN and stay well,

  2. Looks great I love them all especially the birds! Cher
