My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Improv.....Technique 3

I am playing with a 

stitch and flip improv technique...

I pawed through my scrap bag and picked out 

all of the blues

that I thought would work together and

sliced them up into triangles....

I had a half yard piece of this white fabric

leftover from a table runner I made last month...

I cut it into 3 1/2 inch squares...

I think there are maybe 70 squares here.

Then I started piecing triangles

onto one corner of each white square:

With uneven triangles,

it was easy to get a wonky look.

Then I started playing around with

a few of the stitch and flip squares:

I am liking it !

Then I added additional triangles

to the center of the block: FUN is that !

I have not pieced this together...

I want to play around with other design options

and see where it takes me.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward too seeing what you come up with. I have a bin of small cut away triangles that I need to use.

  2. Oh, I'm liking it too!!! How many of these improv piecing blocks can you get into a single quilt?

  3. These are all little experiments so I can learn the improv techniques....they may never make it into anything.....just FUN to give them a try. Someday I will use these techniques in my quilts.

    Stay Well,
