My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Clean off your Sewing Table Day.....

Every Monday I meet with the

to spend the day stitching...

There are 10 Quilters 

that meet here on Mondays:

This is my sewing table...

As you can see,

I have been having a whole lot of FUN !

We have been meeting here for 7 years.

Everyone has their own table,

all of our sewing equipment lives here.

I have only cleaned off my table once in 7 years...

I decided TODAY is the day...

I will remove everything,

give it a good wipe down

and get a fresh start for 2020...

Drum Roll please.....

Look.....there is even room for me 

to get in here now !

No more piles of bags on the floor...

A place to cut, a place to sew !

My little ironing surface is cleaned off...

Here is the best part:

the back side of the table is visible...

haven't seen that for years !

This looks so inviting...

This is what I will come back to

next Monday:

How yummy is this !

It took me a few weeks 

to convince myself to do this.

I am glad I did.

It is a gift I gave myself.

CLICK HERE to view my Thread Shed

where I sew at home.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Looks mah-ve-lous! What is the blue rod clamped to the back of the table? Is it one of those things to hold up the weight of a quilt?

    1. Yes, the blue rod is a quilt support sold by Patsy Thompson Designs. It works so nicely to hold up the quilt so there is no drag while you are machine quilting. I also have one at home on my Sweet Sixteen Sit Down Long Arm. They make all the difference.


  2. Awesome, but where did you put everything? My husband tells me it is easy to have a clean space if I just put things away. I ask him to show me where "away" is. Ha, He then realizes there is no place to put all the stuff like rolls of batting, bags of batting scraps, the fabrics,, finished quilts, art projects, etc. My guest closet is overflowing and every cabinet is full! I need a studio. 😳😜

    1. Let's see....the fabrics went into a storage tub, which went with the bags on the floor into a closet. It wasn't all that much once it was gathered up and organized.


  3. What a wonderfully positive outcome to that decision! Makes you eager to get in there and start sewing. Hooray for you!!!

  4. Oh that looks wonderful. I am glad you were able to find space to put everything away. Maybe it is time to clean off my own sewing table.

    1. Oh yes, clean off your table! I spent more time thinking about doing it....than actually doing it !


  5. Your table looks great!! Mine will never look like that until I am packing everything up to move back home! I have no room here for anything. However, it is really good at keeping me doing a single project at a time!

  6. I didn't think it looked that bad to begin with. All of your supplies were in their rightful place, the fabrics were neatly stacked. After 7 years, it probably did need dusting. LOL You did a good job of cleaning up. I know you feel more accomplished seeing that. You mentioned your sweet 16 at home. I assume your home is on the ranch, so you have a sewing/quilting area there too?

    1. I actually began to clean the table off, then realized a hadn't taken a "before" you didn't see how cluttered it really was. I could not get to my cutting mat, it was completely covered with fabrics. Yes, I have a sewing studio at home. The Cowboy built it for me back in 2000. He calls it the Thread Shed. There is a link to the Thread Shed in the post above. I sew in there every chance I get.....when my ranch work is done for the day.

      Many Thanks for your Comment,

  7. It does look inviting! I love the quilt support - had no idea about this. Would it help with something as large as a 100 x 104 quilt? I definately have a hard time with large quilts on my Bernina. It's doable with a lot of wrestling.

    1. Yes, the support especially helps with those huge quilts. It gets the weight off the table and keeps it from dragging and pulling while you are quilting. These supports are real game changers for sure.

      My Best,

  8. Usually when I clean up I can't find anything later! LOL!! How big is the space that you all quilt in and is it somebody's house? To have that big of a space for 10 quilters is fabulous! Your home studio rocks too!

    1. Yes, you always run the risk of not being able to find something once you have cleaned up and relocated everything....eek! The Harlan Valley Quilters meet every Monday and also have 3 week long retreats yearly in our second residence, which is soley dedicated to my sewing habits. You can check out the Quilt Palace here:

      My Best To You,

  9. Hey LuAnn. Y'all surviving all this rain okay? I think of your river.


    1. Hi Maggie, yes, the river is up...not quite into our pastures just yet, but right at the top of the river banks. It has been a real frog strangler here in the coastal mountains of Western Oregon !

      Thanks for checking in,

