My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Peek-A Boo......Vinyl Zip Cases

This is the view this morning as we headed

out the door at sunrise to feed the cattle...

The sun was just rising over Marys Peak

As soon as the cattle were fed,

I headed for the Thread Shed...

Peek-A Boo Bags

I cut all of the vinyl, match up 
zipperand threads...

then I spend the rest of the day 
stitching them together.

I prep the zippers with tabs on both ends.

This helps create a really square bag 
on the top edge.

You can see the tabs installed 
onto the bags above.

I also use the leftover zipper 
as a pull tab on the side.

This transparent colored vinyl is 
loads of FUN to play with.

I also add zipper pulls 
on the ends of the zippers.

I haven't run out of vinyl yet,

so I think I will make a few more!

More To Come...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Did you use 10 or 12 gauge vinyl?

    1. I have both 10 and 12 gauge vinyl......they both work well. I think I prefer the 12.


  2. these are wonderful and would make great gifts!!!! Beautiful sunrise picture!!!

  3. Those are great! I bought some 12 gauge clear awhile back from Joanns but haven't used it yet. Thanks again for the inspiration.

    1. Get out that vinyl and some zippers and have a FUN day stitching it all together. Blow a hot hair dryer into the bag just before you turn it right side softens it up and makes it so much easier to turn it right side out.


  4. Oh my! You have inspired me to make a bunch of these. They are the perfect sewing organizers. Love the pull tab with the extra zipper too!

    1. If you don't have a teflon foot for your machine, place a piece of scotch tape on the bottom of your foot to help it glide over the vinyl as you sew.


  5. How did I miss this post?? These are fabulous bags! What about a walking foot? I don't have a teflon foot for my machine, but I know that I have used a walking foot to attach plastic to a quilted piece before. Would you be willing to do a tutorial on these, start to finish? I love how you used the extra zipper as a pull-tab...brilliant!!!

  6. No need for a walking foot. Just put a piece of scotch tape on the bottom of your presser foot and it will glide beautifully over the vinyl as you sew. The Sew Hungy Hippie has a free tutorial for these bags!

