My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Candy Bag.....Zip Cases 2

After feeding the cattle this morning,

I snuck off to the Thread Shed

to sew a few more...

These seem to go out the door

as quick as I get them made...

Everyone that sees them has the same reaction,

"Look at those, how cute are they!"

Then they take their favorite zip bag 

home with them...

I am saving so many different product packages,

they all work with the iron-on vinyl...

I am not just limited to candy bags.

I am not a licorice eater,

but the Cowboy is...

He saved both of these packages for me.

So colorful and so FUN !

These bags will be given away 

during the holidays.

I have saved so many packages,

I have barely made a dent in them!

There are no days off

for Cowboys and cattle...

So, from the feeding grounds here

@ the Kessi Ranch...

We Wish You Happy Holidays...

and Happy New Year !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. LuAnn, I love those bags. We don't buy candy so I need to find someone who does!

    As always thanks for the inspiration. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Linda, I purchased the large candy bags on sale at Halloween...once the zip bag is made I put the candy back in it as part of the gift when giving it away. Once the candy bags are gone, I will use our frozen veggie bags, etc. I normally throw them away, but not I can make zip cases with them.

      Have FUN!


  2. Your bags are amazing!!! I need to figure out how to make those bags for Christmas next year. Merry Christmas, LuAnn!!! May your holiday be blessed with the love of family and friends, near and far.

    1. Use this link for an excellent candy bag tutorial:

      Wishing your cheerful holidays for you and yours,
      LuAnn in Oregon

  3. These bags are just so fun!! Yes, that was my initial reaction, too: "How cute are those!" Where did you get your fun zipper pulls?

  4. I buy the zipper pulls on Amazon:

