My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Elk in the Hay Field...

Last evening the Elk herd

came down from the timber...

Their spring calves 

could not jump over the fence,

so are waiting for them in the top left 

of this photo above.

These images were taken through the

living room window, so aren't the best quality.

If you double click them, they will enlarge.

There is a Blue Heron sitting in a tree

along the river watching the elk graze...

There are 5 elk cows with their yearling calves

in the hay field...

and their new spring calves 

on the other side of the fence.

The sun was setting quickly,

but I manage to get them on video....enjoy!

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. How cool is that!!! One bull calf in that group with some small antlers sprouting up! Have you ever found dropped antlers around the farm? Does your farmer ever hunt the elk?

    1. It is rare to find a shed antler. The cowboy quit hunting them about 20 years ago. We spend our time watching them from the back yard. It is such a treat when they finally bring out their babies, which is what happened last evening.

      Thanks for your comments,

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your images and videos!

    1. You are so welcome Darcy!

      My Best To You,
