My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cattle in the Snow and Jelly Roll Rug...

We woke up to SNOW this morning...

The calves enjoyed romping around 

in the SNOW

After we checked for new calves

and bedded the barns,

I headed for the Quilt Palace

to join up with the Harlan Valley Quilters...

This is my new Monday project @ the Palace:

Jelly Roll Rug

Jelly Roll strips....

I stitched all of the strips together,


assembly line style

The batting is stitched inside the strips...

I am 4 hours into this project

and it is moving along quickly.

Looking forward to working on it again

next Monday.

Enjoy the video of...Cattle in the SNOW:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Love seeing the calves! At least you aren't on that train that is/was stuck in Oregon for 40+ hours! Yikes!

  2. The snow makes everything look so pretty!! Love the calf frolicking in the snow and sliding to a stop! Have you had more calves born in the last few days? They are always so cute! I'm looking forward to seeing your rug!! I want to make one for my kitchen in front of my sink.

    1. We had our 12th calf this morning, another heifer....2 bulls and 10 far.

