My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Herding Cows to the Calving Barns...

The cows will begin calving in 3 weeks...

It is time to trail them down river to the

calving barns...

4 miles of gravel roads ahead of us...

I am driving the hay wagon ahead of the cattle...

you can see them following me 

in the side view mirror.

We have made it out onto the main gravel road...

the older cows know right where they are going,

they have made this trip many times.

Traffic slows up the drive,

but we work the cattle around them

and keep on going.

We have made it off the road and into

the cow pasture...

The cows all stop for a drink,

before moving on over the hill to the cow barns

to meet up with the rest of the mama cow herd.

It was a beautiful day today here in 

Western Oregon.

We have done this same cattle drive in the past

in very snowy conditions.

This is the main cow barn....aka the Silo.

There is a 2nd cow barn down below.

The new spring calves will be born here.

Please enjoy the video below

of our trip along the gravel road

herding the mama cows to their calving grounds:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. How nice not to have to deal with snow this year!! I kept looking for Golden Girl but never saw her...I assume she is with a different herd. By this time, can you tell by looking at the cows which may have twins? Here's hoping for good weather for the births and all of them dropping their babies during the day!

    1. You have a good eye and are absolutely right....Golden Girl was not in with this bunch of mama cows. She was already down river at the cow barns with the rest of the newest heifers. We keep the younger heifers closer to home so we can keep an eye on them while they are raising their babies. Golden Girl is now with the main cow herd at the silo. Her second baby will be born this coming Spring, then she will go back up river with the cow herd on open range. Many thanks for your thoughtful comments.

      My Best To You,

  2. LuAnn, That was fascinating watching the herding. What an interesting life you lead. Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of it.

  3. Many Thanks for your comment Lynda! We are gearing up for calving season in 3 weeks. I also have a small herd of goats that will giving birth soon. There will be lots of babies very soon.

    All the Best,
