My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ice Dyeing...Pillowcases

I am up at the Quilt Palace

working in the laundry room...

Very little laundry actually gets washed here...

it is mostly used as a dye studio.

I am ice dyeing pillowcases:

Ice covered with dye powder...

Depending on how deep you have the buckets

filled with takes a day or two for it to melt.

I was busy, so this sat for a week until I could

get back up to the Quilt Palace to process it.

Final Wash Out.....ready for the dryer

Here comes the.... Show 'n Tell

2 dozen pillowcases

Just love that ice dyed texture!

Holiday Gift Giving!

This is a leftover piece of iced dyed fabric:

It made a great warm up sandwich

when I was machine quilting...

The sandwich turned into a snap bag...

More Ice Dyeing:

Ice Dyed.....Tote Bags

Yum, Yum, Yummy!

I do love me some ice dyeing!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Lynda,

      I usually do my pillowcases by pleating them and putting them in pencil trays. Time consuming, but excellent results. This time I decided to take the easy way out and I ice dyed them.....very happy I gave it a try.
      My Best To You,

  2. Why do you choose to use dye powder, rather than make up dye concentrates? I was taught by many dye masters to avoid exposure to dye powders for myriad health reasons.

  3. Hello Unknown,
    Are you a hand dyer? It is always best to use a mask when working with dry dye powders, which you must do when mixing dye solutions. I prefer using dry dye powder over ice, I believe I get the best results that way. Yes, you can use dye solution over the ice, but you get different results, which are also good. I prefer the dry dye powders when ice dyeing.....I like the way the dye slowly strikes the cloth.
    My Best To You,

  4. Colors are so vivid and beautiful!!!!! Very nice!

  5. The pillow cases are beautiful! Did you fold or knot them before you dyed them?

    1. I pre-washed the pillowcases to remove any sizing, then I pre-soaked them in soda ash, then scrunched them up. I

