My Tips n Techniques

Friday, July 20, 2018

Painted Canvas.....Tote Bags

Remember these messy painted canvas?

We painted them a couple weeks ago...

They are so much FUN to create...

They are so much FUN to cut up and stitch...

I am back at it.....stitching up canvas tote bags:

I made a small child size tote.....very sweet

All totes are 2 sided.

Summer cattle images:

Click on images to enlarge...

The bulls will be in with the cows for

a couple more weeks...

Enjoying our summer.....hope you are too!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Is there any way you can know for sure that every caw has been covered? I know that with sheep, the ram has his chest painted so the ewes have painted bums, but I don't think that would quite work with a bull! Love the pictures of the farm and the cows, but your fabulous tote bags take the cake today!

    1. Sometimes if we have our doubts, the vet comes out and does preg checks for us. The late calving cows are left in with the bulls a bit later in the season to be sure they have ample time to get bred. We may end up with 1 or 2 dry cows once in awhile.

  2. Those totes are utterly delightful! Nice cows, too!

  3. I love your canvas pieces, and what you make is just awesome.. And the bulls look really happy right now. :-)

  4. Hi everyone, I haven't been receiving any blogger comments for several months now. I thought everyone was having a fun and busy summer and wasn't reading the blog.....just today I discovered lots and lots of blogger comments waiting for my moderation. Not sure how that happened? I will try and respond to any questions you had....which may take me awhile to get through several months of comments, but I will peck away at it a little each day. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part. Happy to see all of the comments waiting for me. My Best To You, LuAnn Kessi in Western Oregon
