My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Crosscut Quilt.....Progress

Remember this?

Back in April I met with my Art Sisters

and we began our Crosscut Quilts...

By the end of the day we each completed

a dozen or more X blocks...

Here I am today, 2 months later:

My X blocks up on the design wall in the

Whenever I have time, I run out

and sew a few seams...

Just when I get into my piecing zone,

it is time to leave to herd cattle, build fence,

work in the hay fields...

I am really enjoying this project

and I am making progress...

I have 113 blocks cut...

68 of the blocks are pieced and 

on the design wall.

This is only the first phase of this design.

Once the blocks are pieced into a top...

I will cut the top into blocks again....

sounds crazy I know!

We will be mowing our hay fields very soon.

I will try and get into the Thread Shed

to sew a few seams on this Crosscut Quilt

whenever I am not riding the tractor.

More to Come!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Mowing already? I thought you usually mowed right around 4th of July.

    1. It seems like mowing gets earlier and earlier each year! We actually prefer it earlier, then haying doesn't linger longer into the summer months.

  2. I love your blocks, but I can't imagine sewing them together and then cutting them up again! I am looking forward to seeing this!

    1. Oh, I am looking forward to cutting them up again.....that is when the magic happens. I am taking them with me to a retreat in Idaho. I am hoping to get lots done on this quilt at retreat.

  3. I love your colors. I’ve not seen this pattern and I’m intrigued to see where it goes next. It seems strange to me that you pause to go herd cattle, lol. I’m sure you’d find my very boring life odd too. It’s fun to see what the lives of others on far off places.

    1. You have to switch gears quickly around here.....or you would never get anything done!

  4. What fun! Makes me want to try one!

    1. Oh yes, lots of FUN! They are supposed to be a small 16 block wall quilt, but my is turning into a bed sized quilt.

  5. Going to be a big, beautiful quilt!! Stay safe out there in the fields...the guy leasing the hay fields at the farm got run over by his hay rake this morning and was lucky that the tractor didn't follow!

    1. Yes, farm accidents are something we practice to avoid. Safety is always on our minds in everything we do.
