My Tips n Techniques

Friday, May 11, 2018

Jello Printing.....Class Prep

I am leading a class in Jello Printing in June...

I am feeling a bit rusty,

so I decided to play a bit today.

Golden Open Acrylics

Give you more open time

I am printing on a Gelli Plate today.

I prefer a Jello Plate made with Knox Gelatin,

but this is an impromptu play day,

so no time to wait for the gelatin to set up.

I am using lots of found objects

and a few commercial stencils...

Ghost Print.....always my favorite!

Just like riding a bike...

Gelli Printing comes right back to you!

Jello Printing.....Class Samples

Remember this pretty heifer?

Golden Girl

We have been watching her grow 

for more than 2 years...

This week she had her very first baby.....awww

Golden Girl adores her new baby.

She is a wonderful, attentive, loving mother.

We are at the tail end of calving season.

We are hoping to finish up in the next few weeks.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. LuAnn, your Gelli/Jello printing is wonderful! I will have to get some of the open acrylics... for sure. Until then, I do have some open medium I can mix in.
    Golden girl is gorgeous and so is her new baby!
    Thank you for all the inspiration and beautiful photos. :)
    I thought I saved the info on your camera, would you please tell me again? (embarrassed look on my face)
    ~ Christina in SW FL

  2. Fun! I also love the ghost print best!

  3. So glad you enjoyed the jello printing and the new baby. The camera that I use for long distance shots and video is a Canon 50X. I bought it used on Amazon and I love it. I have had it for 4 years now. I believe they came out with a Canon 60 X recently. At one time, Costco was selling them.

    Bye For Now,

  4. This is just a test to see if I can post a comment. Having trouble with this on my quilt blogs lately.

  5. You are always having fun with paint and fabric and I love seeing the results. The ghost prints ARE the best, I agree! Golden girl is so cute with her baby! Bet you are glad to have calving season almost over. Any bottle babies this year?

  6. Hi Farm Quilters,

    No, thank goodness there are no bottle babies this year! That is a full time job. We have 6 more cows to go....keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes well.


  7. Really like your lovely cows and children! Beautiful irises at home inspire on the patchwork !!
