My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Button, Button....Who's got the Button?

Today is the day I get my buttons organized...

I have been collecting buttons for 20 years...

Today I am sorting them by color...

I want to create button jewelry...

If I get them sorted by color,

they will be more user-friendly when I am

creating jewelry projects...

They look FUN in the big jars,

but it takes too long to search and hunt down

the right button I need for a project...

After they are sorted by color,

I stored them in ziploc baggies...

I placed the baggies in 2 big plastic boxes,

kind of like a filing cabinet storage system...

I can just flip through the baggies like files

to find the color or style of button I need...

Here are the buttons on my jewelry table...

I am ready to create button jewelry.....FUN!

Here is some button jewelry inspiration

I found on pinterest:

White Button Bracelet

Button Necklace

Button Pendant Necklaces

Button Necklace and Bracelet set

Button Earrings

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. You do have an awesome collection of buttons. I also love button jewelry. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing what you create with your buttons. I'm sure it will be beautiful.


  2. Is there anything creative you aren't involved in and when do you find time to do it all!!??? I can't wait to see what you create!

  3. I am pretty excited about the button jewelry. I will be sure to share images here as I get a few pieces created. Thanks for your comments!
    LuAnn in Oregon

  4. Thanks for all of the inspiration! Can't wait to see follow up posts on this!

  5. OMG! What a stash of buttons. I went through a button phase awhile back, but never quite made anything blog worthy! Looking forward to what you create.

  6. You do have a lot of buttons! They look so cool in the jars but I understand your reasons for putting them into the bags, it will certainly help you to get going on your button projects. I made some fun garden art once with buttons strung on a piece of firm wire. I used New Zealand electric fence wire so it wouldn't bend from the weight. layered colorful huge buttons on it with some pretty fibers also and then stick it in the ground vertically. I look forward to seeing what you make!
    Jan Brattain

  7. Thanks for the inspiration photos. I too love buttons.

  8. Well, these are just beautiful and I have been inspired. How creative you are. thank you for sharing your Pintrest Board. I just love these ideas!
