My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Farm Fun Doll Panel...

This is how I spent my day...

Farm Fun Doll Panel 

by Stacy Iest Hsu 

for Moda Fabrics

This panel makes 4 stuffed dolls

Pig, Sheep, Chicken, Cow

They cut out and stitch together rather quickly...

Now to get them stuffed...

How darling are the chicks in the front pocket...

The babies can be taken 

in and out of the pocket...

These little cuties will be going

under the Christmas Tree!

I attended a Quilters Holiday Luncheon today...

Everyone brought a dish to share at lunch

and we had Show 'n Tell....FUN!

Happy Holidays

from all of us at Kessi Farms

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Kangaroo farm animals, how cute! Happy Hols to you and yours LuAnn.

  2. How adorable and perfect for you!!!!! Merry Christmas and the best to you in the new year!

  3. Love the farm fun!! I'll have to look for those. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and all your lovely animals!!!

  4. Those little stuffed animals turned out so cute and so appropriate to add to the Kessi Farm!
