My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wonder Clip Bowls...

These one way zip bags have been 

calling to me...

The zipper allows the bag to remain wide

open so you can easily grab your wonder clips!

Joan Hawley does an excellent job of

walking you through the zipper process...

They are perfect for storing Wonder Clips!

The one of the left looks like a pea pod.

The one on the right is 

square and flatter (my favorite).

They easily store away with your sewing supplies.

I have a pile of them made for gift giving

to my quilting sisters......FUN!

A walk through the yard today:

The Red Maple Tree in the front yard

is truly glorious in the autumn...

Click images to enlarge!

I press these leaves each year and use them for 

jello printing, stamping, sun printing, etc.

The hydrangea are also putting on a show:

They turn a dusty purple color in the fall...

The leaves are really showing off!

Autumn hydrangea love!

These beauties won't be around for much longer,

so I try to get out and enjoy them every day!

As Always, you are welcome to use my

photography in your personal art work...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Great idea about using those bags for wonder clips. I have the pattern and have been wanting to make them. Perfect gift idea and lovely photos too!


  2. Your colors of your trees and plant are amazing! We have no color this sad as we love to see the beauty of fall...but the leaves are falling so I get to rake/pick them up and see some that are keepers just for their shape(s).

    The bags are adorable!!!

  3. I, too, have this pattern and still have not tried it. I agree with you, about liking the square flatter pod better. Did you do something different than the pattern instructions to achieve this shape?

    Thanks, Bobbie

  4. Hi Bobbie,

    I omitted the very last step on the pattern, which creates side seams which give it the pea pod shape. Without the side seams, it is square and flat. The bowl remains wider and easier to get your hand in and out when fetching items. It is also nice and flat when closed and easily stores in a drawer with your sewing supplies, or in your purse, etc.

    You should make one…..they are so fast, easy and fun. It only takes 2 ten inch squares of fabric…..and that makes two bags!

    LuAnn Kessi

  5. Love your cute little bags!!! Do you need more zippers? If so, let me know the colors and sizes and I'll send a package your way! I hate the box I have my Wonder Clips in - I'm always opening it the wrong way and spilling them all out. I'll have to hunt down the pattern for these. Your leaves are amazing!
