My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Discharge......Hand Dyes

I have several containers of

Most of it is more than 7 years old.

I thought I should test it to see if it still works???

I pulled out some of my dark hand dyes:

Yupp.....still works!

I couldn't stop with just a test...

Painted on with natural fiber brush...

These circles are 18 inches

I am working BIG today!

Folded Shibori Hand Dye

Folded Shibori Hand Dye

Pleated Gradient

Stamped with HUGE stencil brush

This piece of fabric is 6 feet long:

Close Up View:

Close Up View:

I had a FUN day in the Thread Shed!

I have a pile of dark hand dyes waiting for me

and lots of discharge paste.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Aren't you having fun!!! I love to discharge. The uncertainty is the most fun.

  2. You might be having too much fun....if there is such a thing!

  3. These turned out great! I just discharged a table runner I made last fall...I had a hard time stopping!!! HA

  4. This is probably something I could get addicted to! It looks like a lot of fun!

  5. Have you washed these pieces? I used some old discharge paste, it seemed to work fine but when I washed the fabric the design was gone.

  6. What fun Luann- love the demo of the cards you and your friends did also the clip on discharge. Would love to have a go at this.
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