My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Spring Round Up......Yearling Cattle

It is 6am and the Cowboy wakes me up

with a cup of steaming hot coffee...

3 generations of Kessi's will be

working yearling cattle today...

The little yellow building in the photo below 

Our youngest son is here to help...

He will be taking over for me today 

so I will have more time to keep the 

camera in my hands.

Every Spring we round up the yearling cattle here @ home and get them ready to go out on summer pasture.  They get fly tags in their ears to keep the flies off their face, 
they are vaccinated and wormed.

Our son was a big help, so I was only needed to fill tagging pliers and keep the syringes full of vaccine.  That gave me some time to capture video of working cattle.

CLICK the video below to watch:
Working Cattle

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I learned something new today - didn't know the ears tags were for keeping the flies away. Thanks for sharing your life!

  2. I thought those tags were for identification! You are teaching us a lot! I can see, being a cow boss/cowboy is not an easy job! (Not that I ever really thought any part of farming or ranching was easy!)
    It's good you have your son there to help.

  3. Seeing how hard you have to work to the cattle, makes me glad we aren't running cattle on the farm any more!!! What are they putting on the cattle's backs...looks like tick stuff we use on the farm dogs and barn cats. Seeing all you do to bring beef to my local store makes me think the prices we are paying doesn't begin to compensate those of you who are actually doing all the work!! Of course, you are getting to live in a little slice of heaven while I am currently in a concrete jungle dreaming of home!!

  4. Seems to me you posted about this a few years ago??? I don't remember video... It's always interesting to see the process!!! Thanks SO much for sharing. Always make for an enjoyable read and video to watch!
