My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Elk and Cattle Grazing Together...

This time of year it is FUN to watch the elk 

come into the pasture in the evenings 

and graze alongside our cattle...

No time to set up the tripod...

so this is the best I can do hand held zooming.

One of the female elk was very interested

in two of our baby calves.

I captured the encounter on video...

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. What an experience. So fun to have a heard of Elk come visit and then to see them interact with your young calves. Very special indeed. Thanks for sharing. I wonder what Mama Cow thought about her babies getting so close to the Elk. Somewhat surprised she didn't get closer.


  2. Love seeing the elk with your babies!! I hope they return after they have had their babies so we can see them as well!!

  3. The video is priceless!!!! Thanks SO much for sharing with us!!!

  4. That is so neat!! Thank you for sharing these videos!!!

  5. So glad you are all enjoying the elk and calves together. Time spent with animals and wildlife is so fulfilling for all of us.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  6. That is really interesting - thanks for sharing with us!

  7. I enjoyed that! Thank you, LuAnn!
