My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Bottle Babies...

This 2 month old twin calf number 25

is living @ our barn here @ home

and we are feeding him on a bottle...

He is lonely and bawls a lot.

The barn is next to our house, so we can

hear him....LOUD and CLEAR!

We made a trip to the dairy this week

and look what we brought home:

A day old Holstein bull calf...

He has super long legs and looks like a giraffe!

Number 25 likes him...

they sleep together in the barn

and number 25 doesn't bawl anymore.

I captured video of these 2 babies

you can view it below:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Did the new calf's mother reject him, too?

  2. Honestly, I was wondering if #25 would be lonely! I am so glad he has a bud now!!!! How adorable...I know it's extra work but I'm sure it also gives you said something about "beef" cattle...I just remember a calf/cow that use to follow us all around the field when working our horses. Well, one day we came home from school and 'MooMoo's hoofs were laying in the barn...I think I was traumatized for a week or more!!! It is life on the farm but guess we didn't think much about it at the time!
    Thanks for the video's!!!

  3. This video is so sweet. I'm glad #25 has a friend now, they'll both be happier. Hugs,

  4. Love Big!! He is huge for only 1-2 days old!! What breed is 25? Will you keep the new bull calf or will he be castrated or sold? I love learning all about your different from our farm!

  5. The new bottle calf came from the dairy. The dairy only keeps their heifer calves for replacement calves. They sell all of the bull calves.

    Calf number 25 is Shorthorn Angus cross. The new calf is holstein from the dairy. He is now banded and is a steer calf.

    Both calves will be weaned in November and put in with the main herd of weaned calves and fed here @ home over the winter months.


  6. Oh, dear children! They will be friends and do not miss your mom .. You are a good farmer-love your cows and calves!

  7. The new calf really does have long legs. Almost as tall as #25. So happy they both will grow up together.


  8. This is pretty cute. I'm glad 25 has a companion now. :-)
