My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dragging Mole Hills...

Spring has arrived @ our house...

How do I know it is Spring?

Because instead of hearing the hum 

of my sewing machine...

 I am on the tractor dragging mole hills...

The Cowboy is building fence today 

in one of the cow pastures, 

so I am on tractor duty in the hay fields 

knocking down mole hills...

This tractor is just as much fun to drive

as one of my sewing machines...

I am not alone today...

the bulls kept me company in the 

third hay field and

the goats kept me company in the 4th hay field

I don't have any quilt images to share with you 

today so here are the flowers that were waiting 

for me this evening when I returned home...

all backlit from the setting sun.....enjoy!

I took my camera along with me 

in the hay fields today.

You can ride along with me on the tractor

by clicking the video below:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your yellow house looks so lovely with the flowering trees. I spend a lot of time looking at your fmq quilting sketches. They are so full of movement which I really admire as well as the variety of your motifs. I have quilted out a couple of them. Have fun with the mole holes. I once had a bull force me up a tree which he continued to head butt until my husband rescued me.

  2. Fun post. Your farm is so beautiful and your animals all look so happy and healthy. Had never heard of dragging mole hills before, but makes sense. Hope you soon can find time to enjoy and quilt.


  3. Very interesting seeing your tractor and land. You are multi-talented! Those tulips are gorgeous, and what a lovely view after your day of work. I have a little yellow cottage, with some lovely pink wildflowers along the front of the cottage. Enjoyed looking at your workshops and the fun everyone was having.

  4. How fun!! I get mole hills in the grass around the house and in our hay fields we have badger hills/holes - I've found a few of those on horseback!! I have never seen my FIL dragging the hay fields so I'm going to have to ask DH about that! Love your flowers and how green everything is around your house/farm. I wish we had more green on our farm (only the irrigated field are green, only trees are by the house) instead of a bunch of sagebrush and naked rock.
