My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Morning @ the Cow Barn...

We are over @ the Cow Barn this morning

checking on the cows 'n calves...

The cattle are out in the orchard enjoying a....

non-rainy day

The cowboy is feeding big bales and

I am bedding the barns...

Relaxing morning.....aahhhh.

22 calves on the ground.

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. So, no "days off" for your farmers during this season--cute calves playing...we are still digging out here from our blizzard yesterday--cold, windy 25 degrees with wind chill of 20--we had 50 mph winds and a tree down next door to us--luckily not on our property though.
    I am working on some hourglass blocks using up my 5" charms hugs, Julierose

  2. I've followed you for years; you're like an old friend without even knowing I exist. I love all the things you do; you're an expert and you do the most beautiful feathers of anyone I know. I love the cows and all the ranch posts and I especially love Gunnr. You have a full life and are truly blessed. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Thank you Gail for your heartfelt comment. You humble me. I wish I could email you directly to your personal email, but you are a NO REPLY BLOGGER, so I can only respond to your comment here. I thank you for taking the time to write. You have spurred me on to continue blogging, which I will continue to do as long as I have something to share.
    My Best To You,
