My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Baby the SNOW

We woke up to a blanket of snow today!

Nearly all of the cows and calves were still

in the cow barn when we arrived this morning...

This is the first snow the baby calves have seen...

These are mother cows that have not

calved yet...

We have a new baby this morning:

Baby number 12 has arrived...

This mama loves her new bull calf...

I was able to capture on video 

the cows and calves coming out of the barn 

to greet the new calf...

It is a very sweet video.

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. What absolutely beautiful land you live on! thanks for sharing part of your day with us...hugs, Julierose

  2. How beautiful your farm looks with the clouds and the snow. Looks like it should be in a painting, or a perfect setting for a movie. Loved your photos and video. While difficult to pick out my favorite, the young calves welcoming the new baby is adorable. Thanks for taking time to share.


  3. Thanks for sharing the newborn calves, though you have a dusting of snow spring is on the way. We have baby lambs starting to appear in these parts of Canada.
    Just started a blog maybe you would like to check it out.
    I am a thread painter and quilter among other things.LOL.
