My Tips n Techniques

Monday, February 27, 2017

Wholecloth Quilt......Practice

I am preparing to do some wholecloth quilting

so thought I would do a bit of warm up...

This is a cloth napkin...

I had great FUN doing a bit of free motion

feathering all over it.

I really like working on the shiny napkin...

I am ready to graduate to a small tablecloth next.

I was down at the goat barn yesterday...

The kid goats greeted me as soon as I arrived...

They are yearlings and very curious...

Goats are wonderful company!

Here is a goat quilt I created a few years back:

Baby Goat Quilt

Created By: LuAnn Kessi

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. LuAnn, What a great idea to practice on a napkin and it turned out so pretty. Also love your goats!!

  2. Do all your goats have names? (Not being silly, I guess they are like a bunch of friends saying hello when you come over). They look so perky and as if they wonder what you are going to say to know, I love that brownish red coloring on them--if only I could find fabric that color...hugs, Julierose Oh, P.S. Love your quilting too ;)))lol

  3. Awwwww how sweet! Beautiful quilting too!!

  4. Hi LuAnn... This wholecloth is just fabulous. Love your quilting motif. Thanks for the Hi over on YouTube... It was nice to hear from you. Take care now...

  5. I like that napkin! (Actually, I like the quilting!) Good idea for practice.
    Your goats are all so pretty and clean. Mine look like a bunch of homeless hippies! Of course, nine of mine are the same color either. I think a group picture of your goats would make for a great jigsaw puzzle.
