My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

New York Beauty......Quilt Top DONE!

Spent the day piecing the 2nd half of the

New York Beauty Quilt Top...

It is wonderful to finally have it 

all in one piece!

Speaking of pieces...

there are 1,995 NYB star points

in this quilt...

2,363 total pieces

It measures: 93 x 88 inches

The next step is preparing a backing...

I have a bolt of 108 inch white fabric...

I plan to dye a backing with Lime Squeeze.

I am planning to machine quilt this with 

green variegated thread...

the green Lime Squeeze backing fabric

will work nicely with the green thread.

As you can see,

the design wall has my next project on it:

CLICK HERE to view all NYB posts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Ярко, сочно, восторг!

  2. The yellow and lime prints really give this ZING! They are a good match with the purple. Lime squeeze is one of my favorite Procion MX dyes. Really beautiful!

  3. Just WOW!!! A zinger quilt to wake you up. Love the florals:)

  4. The comment above translates to: Bright, juicy, a delight!

  5. LuAnn, it's beautiful! and love the quilt on the wall too!

  6. So beautiful! There's a lot of pieces to this quilt! It's just amazing.
