My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Zinnia Quilt......Dyeing the Fabrics

I am inspired to create a Zinnia Quilt...

This is a State Fair Zinnia that is growing

in our flower bed right now.

I am a big fan of Melinda Bula

These are 2 of her Zinnia Quilts

That's all the inspiration I need to get me going!

Today I sorted through the MX dyes:

Red and Pink MX Dyes

I have almost no pink hand dyes.

I have lots of greens for the leaves.

The table is set for FUN:

Half yards of dyers cloth is soaking in soda ash.

An electric hand mixer does a great job

of completely mixing up the dye powders.

After a couple of hours of measuring and mixing:

16 dye pots batching in the sunshine!

The low water immersion technique 

gives the fabric textures that will look more

 natural for flower petals:

Once haying season is over...

Zinnia Quilt here I come!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Those are gorgeous quilts and your "real" zinnia is beautiful. I love your hand dyed fabrics!

  2. Beautiful! This will be fun to watch. Coincidentally, Melody Johnson showed her hand-dyed fabric today, too, and is doing a free online class. It's going to be a great blog-reading season!

  3. Your fabric is beautiful! Do you have a favorite fabric that you use to hand dying?

  4. Great colours! This will be fabulous!

  5. Oh please walk us through. Melinda came to Baton rouge and I was out of town! I was so mad about that! Frank better call the quilt guild first before planning any more vacations!

  6. So glad everyone is jazzed about the Zinnia too! I plan to travel to my sister's house later this month and take everything with me to make the quilt. I am bringing along an extra pattern and fabrics to surprise my sister......she will be making one right along with me. We will have a marathon session at her house and we will hopefully get our quilt tops fused before I leave. FUN! FUN! FUN!
    LuAnn in Oregon

  7. I use dyer's cloth, which is a PFD (prepared for dyeing) cloth for all of my hand dyeing. No need to scour it, just soak it in soda ash and get right with the dyeing process. It is easy and makes for spontaneous dye sessions!

    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  8. Beautiful fabrics LuAnn, can't wait to see more!
